AI Tools Database 

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Over 350+ AI Tools at your fingertips
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ChatGPT Prompts for Blog Post 

What’s inside?
Outline Prompts to structure your thoughts
Title and Meta Description Prompts for SEO magic
Introduction Prompts to hook readers
Paragraph Prompts to keep the flow
Rewrite Prompts for fresh perspectives
Conclusion Prompts to wrap it up with a bang
FAQ’s Prompts to address reader queries
CHATGPT Prompts for Email Marketing 

What’s packed inside?
Subject Line Prompts to grab attention
Welcome Email Prompts for a warm start
Cold Email Prompts to break the ice
Generic Email Prompts for any situation
Marketing and Ads Prompt 

What’s in the box?
Headline and Description Prompts for catchy ads
Ideal Customer Prompts to target right
Negative Keywords Prompts to avoid wrong clicks
Callout Extension Prompts for extra info
Sitelink Prompts to guide your audience
AIDA Framework Prompts for effective marketing
PAS Framework Prompts to solve problems
CHATGPT Prompts for Real Estate 

What’s unlocked inside?
Listing Prompts for irresistible properties
Bio Prompts to showcase your expertise
Social Media Prompts for engaging posts
Video Script Prompts for captivating content
Thank You Note Prompts to appreciate clients
Google and Facebook Ads Prompts for targeted marketing
CHATGPT Prompts for SMM 

What’s popping inside?
Monthly Content Calendar Prompts for organized posting
Social Media Post Prompts for engaging content
Title/Headline Prompts to catch eyes
Caption Prompts to add context
Video Script Prompts for dynamic content
Bio Prompts to tell your story
Reply Prompts for interactive conversations
Comment Prompts to engage with your audience
Carousel Prompts for multi-image posts