Introduction: You know how it goes. You’re slaving over a paper or blog post, wracking your brain to find a unique way to phrase your thoughts. You’ve heard of Quillbot, an AI paraphrase tool, and you’re considering giving it a whirl. But there’s a catch – will GPT-Zero, a powerful AI content detector, sniff out your rephrased content and flag it as plagiarism? Well, breathe easy! You’ve just hit a gold mine of information. In this article, we’ll delve into the intricate workings of AI tools, and detection algorithms, and how to navigate the fine line between useful paraphrasing and plagiarism. Intrigued? Hop on for this enlightening journey that promises to change how you write – forever.
How do AI Detectors Work?

Ever wondered, “How do AI detectors really work?” Let’s put on our metaphorical detective hats and delve into the intricate world of AI detection.
Just imagine, AI detectors are like the skilled plagiarism experts in the realm of AI, always on the lookout for copy-pasting culprits. These detectors draw their prowess from language models akin to the ones used by AI writing tools, which they’re essentially designed to detect. It’s like they’re playing a constant game of “Would I have written this?” If the answer swings towards a “yes,” they put up a flag, indicating the text might be AI-generated.
Here’s where things get intriguing. These models are not merely scanning the content, they’re analyzing it for two essential aspects: “Perplexity and Burstiness”. Think of these like the heart and brain of the detection tool – crucial to its functionality and detection capability. The lower these two elements, the higher the chances of the text being born from the womb of an AI tool.
1. Perplexity:
You may wonder, “What on earth is perplexity and burstiness?” Well, perplexity is just a fancy way of saying, “How likely is this to confuse your average reader?” It’s a measure of the text’s predictability. AI language models like ChatGpt strive to create low-perplexity content, making it easier to digest, though perhaps more predictable than a riveting crime novel. On the other hand, human writing can seem like a wild rollercoaster ride with higher perplexity, unexpected twists and turns, creative language choices, and yes, the occasional dreaded typos.
2. Burstiness:
Burstiness, the second side of our AI detection coin, is akin to perplexity but focuses on sentence structure and length. Now, you may be scratching your head, saying, “Hey, isn’t that a lot like perplexity?” Well, you’re not wrong! But imagine perplexity being the variation at a word level, and burstiness being its big brother, handling the variations on the sentence level.
Consider two paragraphs. One is a flat landscape with every sentence carrying the same weight and structure – boring, right? This is what we call low burstiness. But now, picture another one, with hills and valleys, long winding sentences followed by short, snappy ones – that’s high burstiness. It’s engaging, isn’t it? Makes you want to keep reading. Just like the rhythm that keeps a song from becoming monotonous, burstiness keeps our content lively and engaging.
How Reliable Are AI Detectors?
Based on our hands-on experience, AI detectors generally do a commendable job, particularly when they’re fed longer paragraphs. Still, Are ChatGPT detectors accurate all the time? Not quite. These AI tools could stumble when they’re asked to detect AI content that’s deliberately made less predictable or skillfully paraphrased post-generation.
Imagine you’re using Quillbot or a similar paraphrase tool to rewrite an essay. You submit a paragraph, Quillbot waves its magic wand, and voila! You have a completely new piece, virtually undetectable. As for prompts to make AI write like a human, they can also trip up the AI detector. In other words, while detectors like Turnitin, ZeroGpt, or Gpt Zero are useful tools in plagiarism detection, they don’t always flag rephrased content.
4 Case Study: Evidence of GPT Zero Detecting Quillbot
You see, we conducted a series of tests to reveal the truth behind AI content generation and detection. So, let’s take a peek behind the curtain, shall we?
Note: We’ve carefully curated visual aids that will serve as your compass in this thrilling exploration. So, don’t let your guard down just yet – there’s a lot more to uncover!
Our first exhibit on this enlightening journey: ChatGPT, a part of OpenAI’s artificial intelligence toolkit, being scanned by GPT-Zero. A fascinating sight indeed, akin to a mirror reflecting its own image. And guess what the results said? “Entirely written by AI.” Intriguing, right? The images below will guide you through our narrative more vividly.
Our experiment did not stop there, no sir! We took this a notch further by introducing Quillbot into the mix. Using the Quillbot premium (yes, we’ve got access to the fancy stuff), we rephrased the AI-generated content from ChatGPT in different modes.
Case #1: Standard Mode
In the first instance, we used Quillbot’s standard mode to paraphrase the ChatGPT text. Remember when I said we were shining a light on AI detection? Well, the light beam of GPT-Zero still identified this as “entirely written by AI.” Didn’t see that coming, did you?
Case #2: Formal Mode
Still not convinced? Let’s press on, for there’s more to this tale. We repeated the process, but this time we cranked up the sophistication and used the formal mode of Quillbot. Again, like a well-trained AI detector, GPT-Zero didn’t miss a beat, flagging the content as AI-generated.
Case #3: Creative Mode
Our journey got even more intriguing when we switched gears and engaged in the creative mode of Quillbot. The result? Yet another “Entirely written by AI” tag by GPT-Zero. Our diligent AI detector seemed unfooled by the paraphrased content, keeping its detection tool sharp and precise.
Case #4 Expand Mode
Now, to ensure our study was thorough, we didn’t stop at just one, two, or even three tests. We subjected the ChatGPT content to further rephrasing using Quillbot’s expand mode. And like a faithful watchdog, GPT-Zero continued to flag the content as “entirely written by AI.” A consistent finding, wouldn’t you agree?
To wrap it up, GPT-Zero does detect Quillbot.

How to Bypass AI Detections
Ready to become an ace in the world of AI, capable of crafting content so engaging that it sails past AI detectors with the grace of a world-class gymnast? You’re at the right place! Just remember, we’re not advocating for any unethical practices here, but guiding you towards crafting original content that is unique, undetectable, and yet, stays true to its essence.
Speaking of the essence, if you’ve landed on this page, there’s a good chance you’re also keen to learn the tricks of the trade about bypassing AI detection. No problem, no fluff, no fees – I’ve got an article that breaks it down for you. Check out this article “Prompt to make ChatGpt Write like Human”.
In wrapping up, we’ve unearthed that, indeed, GPT Zero has the capability to detect QuillBot. As we peer through the lens of AI detection, it becomes clear that using QuillBot, a popular paraphrase tool, doesn’t necessarily guarantee undetectable rephrasing. AI tools are continuously learning, their algorithms honed to flag paraphrased content, a real eye-opener, isn’t it?
Curious for more? Feel free to visit our website and explore our engaging content on AI-powered tools. After all, who wouldn’t want to create unique content on a regular basis and stay ahead of the AI detection curve? So, why not dive deeper? Perhaps you’ll get the hang of how to use these tools to your advantage, without triggering any plagiarism detection.
Remember, rewriting or rephrasing doesn’t mean copying and pasting someone else’s work. Rather, it should be about creating something fresh and original. Isn’t that the true essence of being a content creator?
How do I make chatbot content undetectable?
Crafting undetectable chatbot content relies on smart prompting and unique generation. Plagiarism checkers can’t flag original content, so generate creative and distinct prompts, and don’t solely rely on existing material. This ensures the output stays unique.
Can turnitin detect paraphrasing from quillbot?
Turnitin, a widely-used plagiarism checker, can detect paraphrasing from Quillbot and similar tools to some extent. However, it’s important to note that no plagiarism checker is foolproof. While Turnitin is a valuable tool, it’s unwise to solely rely on it for detecting all instances of paraphrasing or plagiarism.
Does Google Penalize AI Content?
According to recent changes in Google’s policy, they no longer penalize AI-generated content. Google recognizes the advancements in natural language processing and encourages the use of AI for content creation. However, it’s still important to ensure that the content meets quality guidelines and provides value to users.
How Does Quillbot Work?
Quillbot uses machine learning algorithms to rephrase and improve the text. You input your text, and Quillbot can be used to restructure it while maintaining its original meaning, thus enhancing readability and clarity.
How Much Is Quillbot Premium?
Quillbot Premium is priced at $49.95 per year. This investment allows users to fully utilize the platform, enhancing their writing experience. Tools like ChatGPT and Quillbot can be used to improve language proficiency and communication effectiveness.